August 17, 2009

This is why we do what we do...

Last night 29:11 (our college & young adult small group at Forest Park Church) met at my house for the start of a new series in the book 'Ask Me Anything,' which I highly recommend. This book is a collection of actual conversations that J. Budziszewski, a professor at Texas University, has had with his students on topics such as Science/Reason vs Faith, Homosexuality (actually a tense argument he recorded with a homosexual), Cohabiting, Just War vs Pacifism, Abortion & Stem Cells.

The best thing about this book is that he doesn't give politically-correct or only Bible-based reasoning. He's ultra-practical and makes a lot of sense.

Last night we talked the assumption many non-Christians believe that we are "uneducated and easily misled." If that we're true, I would believe that statement right away. It was and will be, by far, the most philosophical and abstract conversation we'll have regarding this book. It was even challenging for me to stay on top of it and I WAS LEADING IT!!

Anyway, without going into all the specifics here is what the bottom line was. You can, and DEFINITELY SHOULD, use reasoning and skepticism to test everything within the Christian faith (what books you read, what advice you take, which pastors you learn under, etc). You can test the faith and yourself without testing God.

Take the story of "doubting Thomas" for example. Thomas wasn't there in the room when Jesus first appeared to all of the disciples so when they saw him next they told him that they had seen Jesus resurrected! Thomas didn't believe them. He told them that he would have to see and put his fingers in the nail holes and the spear hole in Jesus' side before he did.

Jesus appeared again, this time in front of them all, and without chiding, ridiculing or belittling his doubt, he asked Thomas to see and touch as he requested and then he said, "NOW STOP DOUBTING! And blessed are those that believe without seeing (the answer right in front of their face)!"

GK Chesterson said, "Merely having an open mind is nothing. The object of opening the mind, as of opening the mouth, is to shut it again on something solid."

But, when you have been sufficiently answered or if you feel as if you have confirmation about an answer you've been seeking or praying about for a while DROP IT! Accept it by faith and move on!

Doubt is fine, even encouraged in my opinion! But once you get an answer, be appeased!
But when nothing but doubt spouts from your mouth, then that's a problem because you can become a hindrance to others who are seeking real answers.

But in the church is where doubt belongs, not where all the religious skeptics and atheists are lying in the wings! It is within the family of God where skepticisms should be discussed. But, isn't it funny that people feel as if its the last place that they should. Yeah, Jesus never said, "Come to me all who have it all together...."

Everyone had questions throughout the study, which was refreshing. Six of the 9 of us went out to eat at 3 Amigos and about 20 minutes after arriving I got a text saying that Amanda had just accepted Christ!

That's what I meant by 'we' in the title of this blog. Even though she probably was thinking through what I had said, it was Katrina that ultimately led her to Jesus!

That makes everything, all the studying, the stress, the planning most definitely worth it!

August 14, 2009

My Dance Moves

Yes, they are limited but I sure look funny doing 'em.

Check out this little number called "My Sunday Routine" to the tune of Just Dance by Lady Gaga:

This was "performed" at THE BRINK, the Student Ministry at Forest Park Church on Wednesday nights.

Feel free to diss my moves, I'm not easily offended:)

August 10, 2009

No One Over 30 Review

It's been a week since we've returned from Asheville on our first annual No One Over 30 summer trip.

It is cleverly named No One Over 30 simply because no one, chaperone nor student, was over the age of 30 (or 28, because I was the oldest).

Instead of giving you a long summary of what happened and didn't happen, I'm going to give out grades for different aspects of the trip (with a little commentary, of course).

Students: A
All the chaperones were blown away with how little all the students complained and were willing to change plans on the fly...and there was a lot of that on this trip. I actually had one 23-year old chaperone say, "I only came because TJ begged me to. And I thought the kids were going to be really annoying, but I was wrong. They were great!" I was also given compliments by employees of different businesses regarding our students' manners. Kudos to you, BRINK family!! The only reason why you didn't get an A+ was because of the ocassional flatulence in the packed vans. :)

Chaperones: B+
Our oldest chaperone (other than me) was 26 and the youngest was 18. For most of them it was their first time being a volunteer with no one else looking over their shoulder. The chaperones jumped right in and had fun at every stage of the trip with the students. They definitely brought the youthful energy from that I wanted. I only have a few criticisms. Most of the complaints I fielded came from volunteers, not students. The chaperones also tended to clump together. It was evident when I had six of the 12 riding in the van I drove. But Myraida and Andrew were exceptional. Like they had parental instincts turned on all the time. But hey, for the first time, without much training from me, all the others did excellent!!

Our host families: B+
If you went on the trip, you might be questioning this grade. Let me explain. This grade is for the families that housed all the students, not for the ones that didn't or for Beverly Hills Baptist as a whole. BIG THANKS TO the Greene's, Kiser's, Caldwell's, Lee's, Ann Kellington and Annabelle White!! Once the housing situation was finally settled (on the third night) the trip went much more smoothly. Some houses were a little crowded but it was good! Other families totally pampered our students and refused to be reimbursed, oh my goodness what a blessing:) Most of these households will definitely be asked to house us next year!

The grade would've been an A if things were like they were from Friday on at the beginning.

Beverly Hills Baptist: C
I was sorely disappointed in some of the feedback I heard from certain students and chaperones. The one that continually stuck out was, "We felt excluded." Out of nearly 300 people who attend BHBC, we had the hardest time finding room for 39 students. The first two nights 15 girls were staying at one house with only floor space to sleep on and only one bathroom! Even though the pastor & youth pastor asked for host families for nearly a month, flashing a sign up sheet all the time, NO ONE SIGNED UP!!! I later learned all but one of the families were last-minute additions!

On Wednesday night, our band was unable to play because there wasn't an amplifier or a drum set upstairs. The youth from BHBC were told NOT to come and join us for a message, music and fun so we pretty much had OUR meeting in THEIR church....weird. Jared (from BHBC) decided to join us anyway, for which I'm very, very thankful. And he was the only student from BHBC that ended up connecting with our students very well (Jeffrey, you did too). Other than that, our groups were in the same rooms but completely separate from one another.

We felt like a burden, not brothers and sisters to Beverly Hills.

After reading this maybe you'll understand why I answer the way I do when people ask, "How was the trip?" I'll definitely say "good" or "great" but I know that it could've been better. This trip gave me a very strong confirmation that at Forest Park Church is where I am meant to be. I love this church and I love our students and volunteers! I am completely committed to seeing our church reach so many more than other churches that are afraid to change and progress (notice I didn't say compromise and disregard traditions).

Once again, thank you Jessica, Kaylin, Chelsea, Ashley, Myraida, Amanda, Jasmine, Leanna, Ryan, Jordan and Andrew! Thanks to you students who made the trip totally worth it! Thanks to our host families! I owe you all:)

We definitely will go back to Asheville because we had so much fun on the hikes, at Sliding Rock, Fun Depot and the waterfalls. I'm already making plans for next year's trip! Check out Turtleback Falls on Google Images, for example!! It's gonna be even better!! I wonder how many we can bring then?

Dude, I'm pumped just thinking about it!