March 15, 2010

Random thoughts & inspirations

Here a few random thoughts from today and the previous weekend:
  • Just had an older gentleman come into the store and I overheard him in conversation with a younger woman when he said, "Have you ever heard that Joel Osteen fella? He keeps everything plain & simple. (Here's the kicker) All the other preachers on TV are crooks." If that isn't an ironic statement enough for you, how about this statement coming from a African-American gentlemen that's in his 60s? I ain't making this up!  I did want to say, "what about T.D. Jakes or Tony Evans?"  Definitely the most ironic statement of the day:)

  • I had lunch with a certain college student this afternoon and in the middle of a conversation about whether God is male or female asked such an cute, elementary question.  She asked, "what does God look like?" I was dumbfounded and thought to myself, "I can't remember if God was wearing gender specific clothing the last time I saw (him?).  Oh yeah, nevermind, I've never seen him."  My actual response was a lot less clever.  I said, "well Jesus is God and a man, so..."
  • Really don't know what happened to my Mavs Saturday night.  They were riding a 13-game winning streak into a home matchup against the lowly Knicks.  And the last time they met in NY they were without 2 key players, including their starting, all-star point guard Jason Kidd and still they won BY 50!! Easy game, right?  Nope, they dropped, no, they didn't even show up in a 34-point loss! See, what had happened was...
  • We had 45 students in THE EDGE two Sundays ago! Ya hurrr?
  • Just found out that Kutless came out with a new worship album, gotta get that thing in the near future!
  • Tribal Wars (Northeastern vs. Everyone Else aka P-Tank, Camden, PQ, etc) is April 14th in the auditorium at Forest Park! These kids ain't ready for this...thank God for release forms:)
  •  Yesterday in THE EDGE we had part 4 of the Conflict series.  This last installment was about Conflict with God.  One common theme ran about the room that morning: "Why does God allow natural disasters?" And God totally supplied my response (which was unplanned, btw).  I said, "well, the Bible says that the earth groans for the day of the Lord's coming so you gotta think that we aren't the only ones in need of a Savior, the earth longs for Jesus' return, too.  Just as we grow older and our sins and mistakes are magnified, the earth grows older and inhabits more people and therefore has the potential to cause more devastation.  It may have all started in Genesis with thorns and thistles but now we see tsunamis, cat-5 hurricanes and earthquakes.  Sin doesn't just affect humanity."  
  • Just thought I would let you know that Forest Park will have 1,000 people as a commonplace on Sundays in the future (and it won't stop there).  You heard it here first because God is moving and speaking! Holla.......lejah!
  •  The Unleash conference was fabulous like it always is! It's making me dream all over again! You haven't heard the unfettered truth being preached until you've heard Perry Noble.  Check his podcast out on iTunes!
  • I'm hungry...and I tend to ball well @ Corinth when I go hungry, watch out ballerzzzz!
  • This year is gonna be the year that our college/young adult ministry takes off! I can't wait to share spring break with 14 of my friends from 29:11 (our college/young adult community group) this Thursday-Saturday in Nags Head.  FPC covered the cost of the cottage! Yes!
  • THE BRINK will have its one year anniversary party at our first annual HOUSE PARTY @ my house! Can't wait to take all the furniture out of my living and dining room and party like its 2099!
  • It's quitin' time here at the bookstore, I'm out!

1 comment:

  1. So my question was cute huh? lol Take a gander at who this is! ;)
