March 16, 2012

Day 62: Romans 2:17-29 - 3:31

I pray you get some encouragement from today's post.  This is the crux of the gospel; what's its all about. People make it out to be so difficult.  Read up and share any thoughts, questions or comments you have!

Romans 2:17-29 (Read it here)

Even though this letter was sent to the church in Rome, Paul spends the rest of chapter 2 essentially debating the Jews over the centrality of the law.

Paul calls out Jews by telling them that relying on the law doesn't give you the perk of being righteous. (v. 17) They believed that since God initially chose them (the Jews) and gave them the law through Moses that they are the guides for the blind and a light for people who are lost. (v. 19) This kind of arrogance can only be backed up by a strict adherence to the law.  With this type of haughtiness, the Jews are basically saying, "Come to the synagogue and learn from us what God wants you to do."

This arrogance is only made worse by hypocrisy. 

Paul had experienced first hand how many times Jews had schemed to have him killed. He saw how corrupt the Sanhedrin (Jewish high council) was in trying to cover up the assassination plots on his life.

Therefore, Paul says, "if you teach others, why don’t you teach yourself?"

Even more than what we know of Paul's interactions with Jews in Acts, he also confronts them with other infractions of the law.  He had witnessed Jews stealing (v. 21), having sex with other men's wives and using items dedicated to false gods (v. 22)!

"No wonder there's so much hatred for you and God when you act this way," Paul says! (v. 24)  

Ahem, the same thing can be said about Christians, too. I can't tell you how many times so-called Christians have been utterly hateful and completely intolerant under the banner of standing up for Jesus' moral standard.  Pfft, that stuff even turns me off!

Paul says that circumcision (which physically distinguished Jewish men from all other men of other nations) didn't mean a thing if Jews didn't obey God's law. In fact, not following the law nulls the purpose of circumcision making the Jew no better off than an uncircumcised Gentile. (v. 25)  For example, in today's church culture, it would be like me telling Christians, "Why get baptized if you truly don't have faith in Jesus.  Only Christ-followers get baptized! Being baptized doesn't make you a Christian! (v. 28) If you continue acting the way you did before you came to faith after baptism, then you basically just had a public bath! That kind of "baptism" has no significance."

And, yes, I would say that a person who comes to genuine faith in Jesus without being baptized WILL be accepted by God just as an uncircumcised Gentile who comes to faith would be, as well. (v. 26) For baptism and circumcision are the same in the way that they are both physical markers that distinguish people who have made a commitment to follow God.

A person's standing with God depends on their heart. People must have a circumcision of the heart where it is evident that God's Spirit has changed their attitude, priorities and the way they treat and serve other people.  This kind of heart seeks God's approval, not human popularity. (v. 29)

Romans 3 (Read it here)

Paul doesn't want his readers to think that circumcision is useless; it is definitely has its benefits. (v. 1) I would say the same thing about baptism.  Baptism, for me personally, was the starting point for walking the talk of my faith. It was no turning back for me after baptism.

Just as Jews were at first, all Christ-followers are to be the mouthpiece of God. (v. 2)  Many people feel intense anxiety about being a "mouthpiece" of God. They feel as if they are unworthy because of their imperfections.  This is completely normal, but if it was appropriate then who would have the privilege of speaking on God's behalf to spread the gospel of Jesus?

Just because we sin doesn't mean God will ever abandon us. Even when we lie to God, He will always be true to us.  He never returns evil for evil. (vs. 3-4) So be bold, even if you're not perfect! There are many times in which I've judged, belittled or harshly treated others, but Paul demands that if those imperfections cause us to ignore telling others about Christ that would be a bigger sin!

Some people may think that the more we sin, the more graceful God will seem to non-Christians. This would make people want to follow God, right? (v. 5) NO!  Don't you know that when Christ-followers (or Jews, as Paul is talking about) do one thing and say another it is a huge turn-off to non-Christians? Of course it is! Justice is just as much a part of God's character as grace is! The Judge of the universe can't be fair to only certain people; that would defeat the purpose of impartiality and justice! (v. 6)

Do you know why this kind of talk was happening?  The moment Paul, Peter or any other apostle of Jesus began preaching that the law was secondary to having faith in the Messiah, people translated that as, "We don't have to follow the law anymore!" That was blasphemy to the average Jew and punishable by death! That oversimplification is not entirely true. (v. 8)

Remember, if you know God's law, you are bound to it! We bring God more glory when we instinctively follow the law rather than to use His grace callously. (v. 7) The closer we get to Jesus, the more we will act like him and less like ourselves. It is within Christ, that we are justified.

Jews nor Christ-followers are no better than any other person from any other faith, social standing, race, whatever, period! Not one person on God's green earth is righteous by their actions! (vs. 9-10) No matter what anyone thinks, no one is wise in comparison to God. No one naturally wants to drop everything and seek God with everything they have all the time. (v. 11)

Everyone has turned away from God at point or another. In fact we are all worthless without God! In Him we live, move and exist! (Acts 17:28) He alone is good! (v. 12)

When people are separated from God, (which is always by our choice, not His) their speech will be perverse.  Paul quotes Psalm 5:9 in saying that such speech is like the stench from an open grave! (v. 13)  Such words are not encouraging; their words will be destructive, belittling, profanity-filled (v. 14) and judgmental.  Such speech is not inspired or condoned by God!

It is destructive, belittling and judgmental talk that can literally rob someone of their self-esteem and sense of self-worth; it is like venon, which can be lethal.

People far from God are more apt to take a life, constantly be destructive and depressed. (vs. 15-16) If such people don't find the Prince of Peace, the Creator and embodiment of love, where can true peace be found otherwise? (v. 17) Surely not in anything He created!

And I will testify to the fact that I don't always have a fear of God. (v. 18)  This is true for Christ-followers and non-Christians alike.  Either we completely ignore God or we get used to Him.  Why else would we feel so free to sin? 

The purpose of the law isn't to separate us from God (although it does when we can't completely obey it) but it is to show how imperfect we are in comparison to a holy God! (v. 19) Its impossible to be like God whose very being fulfills the law with the bat of an eye. Yet when we feel this way, we are not supposed to beat ourselves up but look to Christ as the one who makes us right with God!. (v. 21) Faith in Christ is the ultimate cleanser of all sin, from the murderer to the liar! (v. 22)

Paul reinforces this point by stressing that everyone has sinned; everyone falls short of God's perfection! (v. 23) No need to judge anyone.  A serial killer and a Baptist minister both need the forgiveness Jesus offers through his sacrifice for the same reason! (v. 25) God freely gives this gift of forgiveness, salvation and eternal life to ANYONE (there are no behavioral stipulations) who chooses to receive it, even though NO ONE deserves it! (v. 24) God declares ALL sinners (that's every human being alive, if you're curious) to be right in His sight when they have faith in Jesus! (v. 26b)

Actually, speaking of justice and fairness, God held back punishment from anyone who had sinned against Him! (v. 25b) The sins of many were not punished until Jesus came to earth so that they could come to faith in Him. How is that fair, really? God held back what so many richly deserved with the ultimate gift of forgiveness, which the law would say people definitely DIDN'T deserve! (v. 26a)

Only God has the right to boast about being good, righteous or fair. We surely didn't earn it by obeying the law! God's salvation is only dependent on faith alone. (vs. 27-28) This is the only God in existence that demands only our heart drenched in faith.  All our "pathways to God" require adherence to a moral code or discipline in which you "earn" your way to god's approval (or as some faiths would say, to where you become a god yourself). When all other faiths suggest you climb up to their god, the only true God is willing to reach down to lift you, or any other human, up out of the sin you are in! (v. 30)

Yeah! Give me that kind of God!

Bottom line is that faith is the key to salvation (from ourselves, the penalties of sins we've committed and from hell), not the law. Faith even leads us to fulfill the law! (v. 31)


1.) Is there anything worse than a "religious" person being hypocritical about what they preach?  Have you ever struggled with something that you've challenged someone to stop doing? If so, how did that play out with the other person or with you internally?

2.) Do you find that people who are far from God are more apt to perverse or corrupt language?  What does that mean when a Christ-follower uses such speech?

3.) Do you have a problem with murderers and rapists being treated the same as you by God when they come to faith in Jesus Christ? Why or why not?

4.) How do you feel about how God is the only divine being that offers to help humans come to Him in contrast to other gods and their moral codes? Have you ever thought of it that way?  Perhaps that's the reason why God makes following the law secondary, eh?

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