September 26, 2009

Newfound respect for Amare

If you really know me, you'll know that I'm a huge NBA fan. GO MAVS!!

Anyway, I was reading through one of my favorite sites, and came across a little ditty on Amare Stoudemire.  Amare is definitely one of the best big men in the Western Conference.

Last year, only two games after the trade deadline passed (which Amare was rumored to be on the trading block, but never was traded), he was poked in the eye so hard that he suffered a detached retina that put him out for the remainder of the season.

This is the interesting part.  After having surgery, Amare went through rehab.  He was required to look downward, towards the floor for 12 hours straight!  I seriously think that 22 hours on the site was a typo, but if not, that's even more interesting...or torturous.

During his rehab time he read half the Bible! Impressive! Not only to do it, but to tell a reporter that you did so.  So, even for that little info, I will cheer a little more for the Suns and Amare Stoudemire next year:)

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