September 20, 2011

Parting Words (Part 1)

It has been 9 months since my last blog post, sorry for the long layoff.

If you're a part of Forest Park Church or are a avid subscriber of church gossip, you probably already know that Jenny & I are leaving FPC behind in less than 2 weeks.  It has been one of the most difficult 2 months in my life, but it will also prove to be rewarding, I pray, in the long run.

Jenny & I do not know exactly where we'll end up.  Some call that idiocy others a leap of faith; depending on the day is how I interpret that myself.  All I know is that my prayer life is pretty strong at the moment:)

For the next 3 posts, I wanted to take an opportunity to say some parting words of thanks and encouragement.  The next two posts will give it up for the students (part 1 for the guys, part 2 for the girls). In part 3 I'll give out some fictitious awards to some of the men & women I've served with at FPC.

First of all,

Students of FPC: I love you all, if I had the time I would write a 30-page post with a paragraph for each of you that I have gotten to know over the last 2.5 years.  You all are the reason I love what God has called me to do.  You are the main reason why it's oh so very hard to say goodbye.  On days when I was feeling useless, depressed, whatever, a Wednesday night with you made everything seem right in the world.  Apart from you will be a task in redefining my life, I'm sure for some of you that will be true, as well.  I challenge you not to remember just the fun times, but the passion in which I've tried to show you that Jesus is the power behind the love you've felt and the reason for all we've done and will continue to do at FPC.

To Kolt:  Man, I love you. I remember your second day in EDGE on a Sunday morning when you were furious that I wouldn't allow you to keep your PSP during the service.  So mad that you punched me! Seriously?!  You have taken and dished out a lot of crap on Facebook.  Some of it was coming to you, others were flat out wrong. Either way, I've always had a heart for you.  Even though I tell myself sometimes that you never listen, I've seen how you've matured (you still have a ways to go, don't kid yourself).  I'll miss your voice calling my name to tell me some useless fact that I'll remember because I'll have to remind you that you've already told me the next time you try to.  You will be missed.

To Tyler: You, Tim, David and I should've been biological brothers because that's how close we are.  You remind me of myself in all the good ways.  You ask questions, aren't afraid to get advice and are willing to give of yourself until it hurts.  No one in this church has grown more than you in the last year.  You have so much leadership potential and will succeed in whatever you do because I know you will follow what God lays out for you (or He will "lay" you out, haha).

To Evan: We've had a bumpy ride in our relationship over the past year.  You, David and I were inseparable at first, but since I had the dumb idea of trying to lead something I couldn't (i.e. the student band), our relationship was strained.  Lately, even before news of me leaving surfaced, I've felt you attempting to show me love more and more.  Your conscience, or should I say, your ability to let God permeate your life is unparalleled. Even though you're skill is in music, I believe your destiny lies in ministry. As soon as you figure out and devote yourself to what God has for you, you will soar even more.

To Joe:  Sometimes I wish you would show emotion.  I know you have a big heart and you could be a HUGE influence if you were to let that out in the open from time to time.  Like I've told Trever before, you are the type when you speak, people listen because you don't waste words.  You are calm, collected and in control.  You are many of the things that I could never be and you do it effortlessly.  I anticipate hearing great things from and about you after I'm long gone.

To Jonathan:  You're all heart and not afraid to show it.  It's kinda ironic that you and Joe are friends, because in many ways you are opposites.  In the things that you know you're talented you have confidence, I challenge you, my brother, to be confident in even more.  No one gives you credit for just how bright you are.  You are like my brother, not just in an emotional way, but literally, just like David and that's a huge compliment because I'd do anything for David and so I would for you.

To Trever:  In many ways, you are the total package of what any girl would want in a guy.  You are strong (physically & spiritually), aren't afraid to show your emotion, you're willing to lead, to follow and do anything for anyone.  In fact, you are what I wanted to be at your age.  With that comes a challenge, if you've ever looked up to me, know that you can easily do what I do.  You can inspire and lead naturally and if you ever need my help, I will always be here.

To Cory: Out of everyone I've listed here, you have the most potential.  You are extremely likeable, charming, brilliant and capable of extraordinary things.  Don't divert your focus from your destiny for anything that could hold you back.  The ones with the most potential, in my experience, also have the highest probability of squandering their talents.  Don't let that happen to you.  You are loved, my friend.

To Jordan: I never thought I would grow so attached to you in such a short amount of time (see what Small Groups do?).  Being the middle child, I know you may think you get overlooked but I see you and appreciate you.  You have your whole life ahead of you and I want you to know that you probably are my favorite Gregory (no offense Tiffany or Whitney).

To Morgan: Like I said to Cory, the ones with the most potential have the highest probability of squandering their talents.  This definitely applies to you, too, Morgan.  I would consider you to be doubly gifted athletically and academically.  Actually, I don't know if any other student I've met is as smart as you are.  That definitely doesn't diminish your other attributes.  I know you have love for me.  I consider you like a little brother.  You're one of the hardest to leave behind because I wanted to be beside all the way, I'll just have to do it in a different way than I expected.

To Dustin: You are another quiet, yet welcoming, constant within our church.  You're always there, always willing to serve and, from what I hear, are a great friend.  I know you are to me.  You lead the way in showing other students that serving with adults on Sunday mornings is a honorable task, keep that up.  I leave you Austin & Kelsey to take care of because I know you're dependable and trustworthy.

To Paris:  I have great hope for you, my friend.  I pray that you no matter what negatively gets around you that you will know what is most important.  You've impressed me with your demeanor, your Bible knowledge and your respect towards me.  Don't let that stop in the future.

To Waverly & Tyler Perez:  I think and pray for you two young men often.  Both of you have so much more to offer than what you're putting out at the moment.  You have humbled me at times and left me speechless at others.  Both of you know very well what God expects from you, I just pray that you drop all the drama, mend the important relationships, check your pride and get on with what God wants you to do, not just what you want.  I love you two and I know life has dealt each of you a difficult hand, but you can overcome but not by just your own strength.

That's it for Part 1, come back and check out what girls will receive a Parting Word.

Love you all,


1 comment:

  1. TJ, this means more to me than you know. I can't express how I feel at this time, and I hope a thank you will suffice for the time being. Thanks so much man, I love you.
