September 22, 2011

Parting Words (Part 2)

I pray that many of you got some much needed encouragement from Part 1 of this mini blog series.  Today, I wanted to call out some young ladies within our ministry that I feel the need to say more than just goodbye to.  As you'll see there are more girls on this than there were guys on the previous list.  Sorry about that fellas, it's just that guys generally get more praise so I wanted to focus more on the girls for a change.

So here goes:

To Hunter: You are probably the most unique girl at FPC. You have grown and matured so much. One of your greatest characteristics is that you're honest about your doubts but that doesn't stop you from seeking the truth. In many ways, I hope any future daughter I have is like you in that way:)

To Rebecca Bruton: Becca, your comments after finding out that Jenny & I were leaving were probably the most heartfelt and touching words I've ever read. You have so much going for you. I pray that you lead your friends to Christ and that Danielle and Makayla learn from your oversized heart.

To Dara: How I wish that you had been here the whole time and not just the past 4 months.  I enjoy just talking to you, listening to your accent and wondering how God is going to use you.  You are much more than a pretty face, you have a personality that you better use to bring people closer to God because I believe that's why he gave that to you:)

To Jena: I hope this doesn't weird you out but if I were a female your age, I think we could be best friends.  You are so fun and the way you think and process life is so unique. I will miss you but I will only be one Facebook like away from hearing your next confession:)

To Audrey: If I really would've known that getting the job as hostess at Dragon Buffet would've kept you away from FPC so much, I may sabotaged your application or something.  I miss you and will miss you. Even though you don't let many emotions show, I know without a doubt that you are one of the most sincere, compassionate teenagers I've ever met.

To Ashlyn: Jenny & I will both miss you a lot, that's a given.  We both really would've loved to stick around to see you not only graduate but to grow and become the beautiful woman of God that you are destined to become.  You will always hold a special place in our hearts forever.

To Whitney: You may be soft spoken but your actions always spoke louder than most other people's words. I love your commitment and your graciousness. I know that you are truly thankful for the things you receive and our world would be a much, much better place if people were like you in that way.

To Tiffany: You are the exact opposite of what I described in Whitney in the way of soft spokenness:)  Don't get it twisted, though, because I love how you don't take crap you shouldn't take and also how, more than any other student, you've made me feel loved by the cards, letters, drawings and desserts you have made for me these past few years.  You WILL be a great mother if you continue to only focus on what truly matters. God, as you know, will come through and provide for you.

To Kelsey: I know that out of all the girls we've met over the past two years, Jenny will probably miss you the most. Ever since the first time you came to my house for a JumpOFF, I was on you to come and visit FPC. I you did.  You have inspired Jenny just as much as she has inspired you.  She sees so much of herself in you.  I only pray that you can find rest in all the drama that's circled around you.  You are loved and more valuable than all that crap and I know Austin echoes all this, as he should.

To Codie: Like Audrey, I wish sometimes I could sabotage your body to have a 50-year old woman's metabolism. That way you wouldn't play every sport imaginable and have practice or games on seemingly every night we have an event.  I truly believe, that if you want to, you can have the greatest influence of all the Kleins in reaching people for Christ.  You have so many great traits of all your family members. You have the beauty, the straightforwardness, the tenderness and also the smarts to do something big. Sports won't be a part of you forever, but God will. Do great things, Codie.

To Maria: Jenny & I both wish that we could've been as brilliant and as devoted to Christ at your age.  That comes from having special parents, of course, but also because of your heart.  You have a humongous head start on this road of getting to know Jesus and I know that you will use that wisely.  You are already serving, growing on your own and supporting friends like a pastor should. Hint hint.

To Jordan Cannon: You are so strong, even though you may not believe that sometimes. Your presence attracts smiles and lifts the mood of every room you walk in.  Nothing is given to you, you work hard and I believe you pray hard. I hope God moves in your family because I know that you are the main inspiration your parents have in continuing to follow Christ.

To Christyn: You are much smarter than you give yourself credit for. What I really like about you is that you're stable. You don't have these huge swings of emotions like many others girls have (no offense, ladies).  However, you don't hold back your feelings when you need to let 'em go, either.  The closer you get to God, the more I know without a shadow of a doubt, that you will bring God's love and light into your family. I'll miss you, Christyn.

To Katie: I could write you a book Katie on all the ways I would want to encourage you.  I know that you are an extremely sentimental person.  Life has not always been good to you.  That's because people screw everything up and even those closest to us can do that.  That's been done to you so many times that hope is not like the sun in the sky it's a speck of light you have to constantly look for.  Jenny & I pray for you so often.  We hated the fact that we had to tell you that we we're leaving. But you have so many people around you that can lift you up, if you let them.  Sometimes finding hope is not looking down at all the crap but looking forward to how God is going to use it all. We'll always think of you and be as close to you as you want us to be:)

To Brianna: You know, very well, too how life can be hard even though everything may look perfect on the outside.  The truth is, Brianna, that you still have every opportunity to make your life different.  Easier said than done, I know.  But sometimes you have to slow down and realize that the crap you're in isn't where you have to be. I believe you hold the key to your family's inner strength.  I know that you know that you're outer beauty isn't anything unless you have peace.  I wish we could sit down a dozen more times and talk. For some unknown reason I feel your emotions like they are my own. I care for you deeply and will miss you.

To Logan & BryHanna: I may have said that both Hunter and Jena are both unique in their own ways, but you two don't really fit any molds, either.  You both have been so loving to me.  I know that your patience is always being tested in many ways.  I know people look at you as being different, WHO CARES WHAT THEY THINK! I love you both and will be here when you need to talk about deciphering the male species, family issues, whatever. 

I wish I had more time to write to even more of you.  Just know that even though you may not be listed, doesn't mean I haven't thought about you and what you mean to both me and Jenny.

Next up for Part 3, I'm going to give Parting Words to my friends, co-workers and student ministry volunteers at FPC.  Thanks for reading:)

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