September 23, 2011

Parting Words (Part 3)

Even though this mini series of posts wasn't supposed to be emotional, I keep getting feedback that I'm making people cry.  Don't worry, as I type, my eyes aren't staying dry, either.

On this installment of Parting Words, I would like to say thanks and give encouragement to a few of my best friends, co-laborers and fellow staff members. Also I would like for you to know that I'm going to extend this to a Part 4 which will include similar feelings to parents and other friends of FPC.

So here we go:

To George:  I love your candor.  In many ways I am like you.  I so appreciate how you keep me in the loop about everything, even when it is about how I have angered or befuddled you.  But you are my friend, you've never left my side or questioned me without genuine concern.  In many ways I know Jeremy's experience with Christ is due to God working in your life and he seeing Jesus through you.  I pray to have another person like you around wherever I go.

To Jared: You're a solid guy, full of integrity, your word is your bond.  You have a heart for serving people that few your age have (and yes, I've been around plenty of college students your age).  I thank you for your time, passion and commitment to the band on Wednesday nights.  I always knew I could trust and rely on you.  I wish I was going to be around more to help you take on any venture you're in, because you've helped me so much and I'm in your debt:)

To William: The complete package is not Lex Luger but you, William (pardon me if you didn't catch that 90s professional wrestling pun).  You're a brilliant guy, charming, handsome but what really defines you is your demeanor, gentleness and direct reflection of Christ himself.  There is truly nothing that you cannot accomplish because you're completely open to being used by God and that's all it takes.  It was a privilege to serve with you and to be your friend.

To Ethan:  Sometimes I wish that me and you were in high school together when we were younger. You and I would've been best friends (not like I don't consider you right now, by the way).  What I like about you is that I've never seen you really down, maybe quiet, pensive and mentally beaten but you've never stopped loving people.  That is something I've had the privilege to observe in your life.  You are 100% love, dude. That is why students are so attracted to you.  It's not the look, the music or the happy-go-lucky attitude, but the love you have that the students are drawn to.

To Solomon: I will always remember what you said a couple Wednesday nights ago, "I would take a bullet for you. Well, I'll take one for anybody." And if people know you, they know that those words aren't Christian propaganda but true words from your soul.  You would do anything for me, like Jesus himself, I'm sure that you would never leave me or forsake me. In other words, it's really hard to leave you behind:/ I love you, Solomon.

To Lisa Moen: You're the wildest chick I've probably ever met and I say that as a compliment because you're loud joy comes from the Lord. You've faced more in your life than most of us have, but the coolest thing is that you have probably the most joy of all us, too.  It's something that confirms to me and I'm sure to the others around you that God resides in you.

To Lisa Cason: Just the other day, Jenny was saying how hard its going to be to leave you behind because, finally, for once in her life she has a friend that she feels she can be completely transparent to.  She knows you won't judge, you'll listen, be slow to speak and quick to compassion, which, guess what Lisa?  That's exactly how a true Christ-follower is defined in God's Word.

To Shelby:  I only have one regret regarding you, Shelby Lynn.  That is, I wish you had been here at FPC earlier.  Even though we don't talk that much I feel like we've been close friends for awhile.  I pray God gives you not only the desires of your heart but even greater things that you don't ask for because of their unimaginable goodness. You will do great things and have the potential to mentor tons of young ladies, if you choose.  You should because they already look up to you:)

To Jason:  Sure we've had our ups and downs.  That doesn't mean I stopped caring, loving, praying or supporting you.  God has given you your biggest desire (three times over now!) and I'm sure it's filled your emotional tank, even though sleep deprivation might be true, as well.  Thank you so much for all you've done, the passion you've poured into your teaching and for the lessons you've taught me.  When you come back to the ministry, I pray God uses you like He hasn't before to carry on and do greater things at FPC.

To Kate: You're so funny. I don't really believe you have multiple personalities BUT there are times when you give me advice like a motherly figure, kid around with me like a big sister and are spacy as if you were my little sister:)  No one can deny your honesty and thoughtfulness. In that way we are like twins. (So, I've counted that you now have four personalities.) It makes you a shoo-in leader for what you do.  You have an eye for not only the details but for the people as well. I'll miss you laughing at nothing, your scream-like sneezes, aversion to Mexican food and just talking to you.

To Bob: Thank you so much for listening and counseling me through all my crap.  A lot of it, I'm sure, is self-inflicted.  If only I could keep my mouth shut sometimes. Throughout all of that, though, you have been supportive, compassionate, full of understanding and a great friend.  No one quite rivals the light that clearly emanates from your life.  You are an example to me and someone I will never forget.  Thank you for all you've done and will do.  FPC is blessed to have you.

To Tim: What can I possibly say to thank you, Tim?  You have gone out of your way so many times for me. You are the epitome of what we would want for every person who attends FPC.  You have a hunger not only for God's Word but also you're eager to learn anything you can to benefit others in any way.  It makes it a little easier to leave since I know your heart better than any other volunteer's. I trust you completely. Shoot, I'll name my first son after you! (If you others don't catch that joke we're both Timothy. Jenny and I were already planning on our first son being Timothy Long, III.)  Seriously, though, if there's anything you need, any snag you hit, any favor that arises unexpectedly, you call me (you'll probably text, totally fine).

Again, I'm sorry I couldn't list everyone. Thank you all for your time and come back for my last post here soon!

1 comment:

  1. Tj, you are getting married to the most beautiful, sweetest woman! You are a blessed man. In the time that I have known you, you have always been there for me as well as others, your fun loving personality attracts those around you. God has amazing plans for you and your beautiful bride to be and I know that you both are and are going be an atomic bomb on Satan's parade. I have had the privilege to watch you and Jenny grow together and separately. I have been so honored to see spiritual maturity that God has developed inside you both. The one Godly characteristic about you both I love the most, though there are many, is that when I have gone away for a long period on time you both open your arms to me as if we just saw each other the day before. Though I am sad to watch you both leave, I am excited to see the adventure God takes you both on, plus it will give us something more to talk about. haha Your words of encouragement makes my heart warm every time you speak them. I love you my dear brother in Christ and thank you for your light for all the world to see.
    you sista in Chirst,
    Lisa Moen
