January 1, 2012

Parting Words (Part 4)

I know this post was a long time coming, but I didn't want to forget to encourage a select few parents who really made my time at Forest Park Church extremely enjoyable and gave me hope that there are extraordinary parents out there.

Without further ado:
  1. Jim Drury - This guy made a huge impression on me when we were selling donuts at Walmart over the summer.  Not only did Jim get really involved with talking to people and explaining our fundraiser, but he also took on the responsibility of delivering boxes to homes, as well.  If Jim isn't involved in volunteering with the student ministry, he should. He would be a great leader!
  2. Shelly Stonehocker - Shelly, thank you so much for being willing to help me and the student ministry out on several occasions (whether that be filming or finding boxes for the Famine). You have done a great job, even though I know it hasn't been easy, mentoring your son. He is truly a gentleman and honorable young man.
  3. John & Karen Coup - This couple is chocked full of wisdom and grace.  Even though we didn't agree with each other 100% of the time, I never had a doubt about if they were going to be straight with me or if they would be willing to back me up on anything. I know that because Janell has always loved Jenny & I and treated us both with respect.
  4. Julie Gregory - Where to start? What couldn't I say about Julie? She is probably one of the strongest (spiritually and emotionally) that I know. It shows in every aspect of her life.  She is a servant and an excellent teacher.  The quality of her character radiates through her children, especially with the ones I grew to know and love the most (Tiffany, Whitney & Jordan).
  5. Kenny & Cindy Britt - The Britts are special people in many different ways (I'm imagining multiple amens from the web-based crowd). There two things in particular that makes the Britt family special.  Both Kenny & Cindy don't get credit for how brilliant they are. It definitely shows in their boys (Morgan & Logan). It's great to find people who are smart but also blunt (don't confuse that with arrogant).  Another thing is that Kenny had a keen sense of knowing when I was feeling ok or not.  If he had any sense that I was down, he would invite me out for coffee just for positive company. I never underestimated the value of that, Kenny. Thank you!
  6. Teri Phthisic - There are two things that I will always be impressed with when it comes to Terri.  Not only is she very artistically talented and willing to freely share that talent, but maybe her greatest attribute is also seen her extraordinary son, Jonathan. If you know Jonathan, you know that he's probably the most loving person you know (at least that's true for me). He didn't just learn that from people at Forest Park (even though that's partially true), he learned that from a great woman.
  7. Caroline Walton - Many people may not know who Caroline is because of her quiet persona (her kids may have something contradictory to say since I didn't interact with her daily).  However, Caroline has always been there when Heather and Katie Shanton needed her. Even though those two girls have been through so much, Caroline has had plenty of upheaval in her life, too, but she has been solid as a rock for ALL of her dependents. I don't know more than 5 other women that could do all the things that she does for her family.  I appreciate you, Miss C:)
  8. Scotty & Nan Williams - Imagine a world with more families that have parents like Scottie & Nan and you would have two people who are extremely caring and a servant's heart.  I don't know if I ever adequately told them how much I appreciated them, but they were always at FPC serving at every function. Pastor Scott might as well go ahead and give them a key to the building:)
  9. Steve & Minnie Sutton - If evaluating the quality of parenting was establish by the quality of character of the parents' children, then Steve & Minnie would top the list.  It is clear that integrity and the centrality of Scripture is extremely important in the Sutton household (along with the frequent Harry Potter flick).  I am so proud that God is choosing to bless the Sutton family with another child, they deserve that blessing and will do God proud.
  10. Ryan & Chasity Harris - These two became like our big brother and sister. They gave us sanctuary or an impromptu vacation anytime they actually went on vacation. You see, Jenny was Chas' defacto choice to house-sit and, of course, we would end up doing the duties together.  We miss seeing them more often than we do now.  We also can't wait to see how God is going to use their two exceptional kids (Cheyenne & Kaden).
Of course I wish I had the time to thank even more parents than I actually did.  Thanks for reading along with me and, if you see these fine people around, make sure you recognize how great they are and how much of an impact they make on people.

Have a great 2012!

1 comment:

  1. TJ thank you so much for the wonderful comments about me and Cindy. We miss you a bunch and pray for you daily. Take care and we hope to see you sometime soon.
