January 21, 2012

Day 18 - Luke 12

Read Luke 12 (find it here)

Yesterday we covered Jesus' response to the Pharisees' and religious leaders' implication that Jesus was demonic and a rebel (for not washing his hands). Haha, can't help but laugh at that.  Today, in Luke 12, we'll see that Jesus challenges his listeners more (the crowd that is now following him numbers in the 1000s)!

Jesus challenges everyone's integrity.  I love defining integrity as being the same person no matter if you're in front of people or by yourself.  If you're only doing good deeds while people are watching, that is hypocrisy not integrity (or honesty). There are no secrets to God. He hears and sees everything.  One day, if we are hypocritical, our deception will be "made known to all." (v. 2)

Jesus knows that the religious leaders are capable of framing and killing their enemies. Jesus is actually number 1 on their list. Nevertheless, Jesus encourages the crowd not to fear death but, more importantly, to fear God.  A person can only kill you, yet has no control of your eternity.  Only God has that authority. 

(Take a breath. God does not want to anyone to go to hell. Its easy to miss what Jesus says next because we're focused on what we think is God's unjustified anger.)

Birds are of worth to God. Humanity is worth so much more. We know that because God knows even the number of hairs on our head (v. 7)!

Anyone who is hypocritical will be called out by Jesus for such behavior in front of God in heaven.  But if we accept Jesus, then Jesus will present us as acceptable to God. (vs. 8-9)

So what does it mean when someone "blasphemes the Holy Spirit?" (v. 10) This is an important question because Jesus says this is a sin that is unforgivable!

It is quite simple. In the previous post we learned that the religious leaders were saying that Jesus only cast out demons because he was demonic himself.  Also, remember that blasphemy is the act of saying something incorrect about or offensive to God. The Holy Spirit is the source of power for God.  That's why you'll see many times throughout the Bible that people are "filled with the Holy Spirit," including Jesus. This means that God's power is flowing through them at that moment.

Blaspheming the Holy Spirit, in yesterday's case, would be to call the Spirit demonic or to label something miraculous an evil trick by God. It is, essentially, lying about God in an attempt to make others hate or doubt Him. That's what the Pharisees were doing (leading people away from God)! Leading others to believe that God is evil is the ultimate sin (this is not the same as thinking it in a severe bout of grief or doubt).

The Holy Spirit is so powerful that when we are being persecuted for our faith we shouldn't "worry about what to say!" (v. 11) The Spirit will flow through you and provide you with the words you need to say.  So when you feel like you don't know where the right words at the right time came from, might as well thank God for His Spirit!

Hypocrisy is one thing, greed is another. "Life is not measured by how much you own," says Jesus. (v. 15) If blasphemy is lying about God, then greed is replacing God with our wealth. But the key to greed is what we withhold all for us and no one else. A fool stores up possessions instead of pursuing "a rich relationship with God." (v. 21)

Money is one of the things that most humans worry about.  It dominates our thoughts day and night since money buys all our possessions and food.  "Life is more than food [and] clothing." (v. 23) Why worry about it, what good does it do? Worrying changes nothing (don't confuse worrying with praying, they are NOT the same) and only adds stress and wrinkles.

If sparrows, ravens and lilies are cared for, won't we be even more since we are more valuable than they are?  If we seek God above all else then everything we need will be provided GUARANTEED!
If we are not greedy, then God will use us to give to those in need. Give away whatever you treasure more than any person. Get rid of it especially if it causes a division in your loyalty to God!

This is not something we should wait to practice later.  No one is ever too poor to be generous. In fact, most generosity comes from those who have the least, not the most.  Go ahead and give because God will outgive you in the return he will bless you with!

Starting in verse 35, we have a slight subject change.

Constantly be ready for the coming of God's Kingdom. (This will make more sense the further we get into the New Testament. If you want to know more now, simply comment below or send a FB message or text!) The way you act should show that you're anticipating God to come anytime!

Many people have been caught up in the hoopla over the end of the Mayan calendar, which has been said to signal the end of the world.  If Jesus is God's Son, the creator of heaven and earth in human form, don't you think he would know when the end is supposed to happen?

Jesus speaks of God's coming in very nonspecific terms. "He may come in...the night or just before dawn." (v. 38)  Jesus says in Matthew 24:36, "No one knows the day or hour when [this] will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only [God] knows."

No one includes even the Mayans or any other "Christian" quack who thinks he/she knows when the end of the world is going to happen.

So, by what verse 40 says, who will be coming anyway? God or Jesus?

Son of Man = Jesus.

Peter wants to know if this message is just for the disciples or for everyone. (v. 41) Jesus speaks of servants managing and feeding other servants.  In other words, to God we are all like servants. However, among us human servants there are leaders lead other servants. If we treat servants like we are a master, then God will reject those who behave in such a way  No one is better than another in God's eyes.  So why in the world do we think we have the right to think that way, either?

For the leaders among God's servants, much will be required in return from those who have been entrusted with much. (v. 48)

Luke ends this chapter with Jesus speaking on how people will become divided because of him. There will be feuds among families because some will believe in Jesus and some won't.  Some of you already know what that feels like. My father has experienced that with his family, for sure.

People have become so good in predicting many things while being blind to the fact that the world isn't getting any better. The process of human beings working together for the common good is becoming, well, more uncommon.

The Holy Spirit will never lead us to belittle another human being, even if they have sinned against us. Don't you remember Jesus saying a little something about "loving our enemies and praying for those who hate you?" That isn't what God hopes to happen, its what He expects to happen!


1.) If integrity is defined by how you act when no one is watching, then are you really full of integrity? Is that the same way you act in public?  If God sees and hears everything then is there really a difference between someone who ignores God and a hypocrite? Why or why not?

2.) If Jesus doesn't know when the earth is going to end, then how could the Mayans? Will you have more confidence now when someone promises the world will end on a certain date? Why would God NOT want us to know the exact time of His return?

3.) To God all humans are like servants. Do you treat anyone like a servant (like they are less than you)?  How would you describe a true leader?

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