January 7, 2012

Day 6 - Luke 4:31-44

Let me just say that this has been a great experience for me so far.  Knowing that people are following along with me has kept me wanting to get waist deep in God's word.  I would love to know what any of you are thinking about this, too!

Luke 4:31-44 (find it here)

Even though the last time he preached nearly got him killed, Jesus continues to preach every Saturday (yes, the Jewish sabbath is actually on Saturday).  One of the most common compliments Jesus receives is that he teaches with real authority. What does that mean?

It simply means two things:  1.) He didn't talk like everyone else who had authority and 2.) people truly believed that God was speaking through him when they heard his teaching (which is exactly what they were hearing).

I've always believed that if Jesus could actually have a conversation with those who doubted him (especially with people of today), they would experience this authority and their doubts would immediately disappear.

Just like Satan quoted Scripture earlier in a conversation with Jesus, the demon who was inflicting this man calls Jesus out for who he is. He calls him the "Holy One sent from God." In a twist of irony, the demon is actually making Jesus more famous.

But Jesus doesn't even have a conversation with him before casting the demon out of the man.  The fact that evil spirits obeyed him dumbfounded everyone.  It was God's authority on display, even only through words.

And later, Jesus' powerful words are only display at the home of Simon. He "rebukes" the fever.  So even if something isn't actually a demon, Jesus still has control over it (you'll see that Jesus will rebuke the wind and waves in the Sea of Galilee later).  Simon's mother-in-law gets up instantly and makes everyone a sammich!

The news travels so quickly that people are bringing their sick family members to Jesus. In verse 40, Jesus employs his touch and it's just as powerful as his words. (The woman with the "flow of blood" definitely plans her strategy with this in mind. See Luke 8:43-48) The demons that Jesus cast out were shouting "You are the Son of God!" That's all Jesus would let them say.

After all the attention, Jesus needed time by himself (no doubt prayer was a part of this).  When the people found him, they begged Jesus to stay. His reply makes an interesting point. As with God, the goal of our faith is not to fix all of our problems but to reach as many people as possible with the "peace that passes all understanding." (Philippians 4:7) Jesus has always been more about the heart and mind than the physical body.


1.) Jesus spoke with real authority. Some people do have authority over you but only few of them really seem have the type of authority where its easy to follow them. Everyone should have people like this in their lives. Who are your people (pastors, teachers, friends, etc)?

2. Jesus' words were just as powerful as his touch. The same is true with you. How are you using your words? Are you lifting people up or being another negative voice in the crowd?

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