May 30, 2009

The funniest thing I said this week so far...

So I went into Walmart in need of a garden hose to help with washing my car and watering the plants out front. I went down this one aisle that had at least 15 different colors, textures and lengths of hoses. As I was befuddled by the amount of choices that were in front of me I uttered this line that I will not soon forget...

"Wow a lot to choose from...I guess it's gonna be hose before bros tonight."

Instantly, I cracked up at myself. And it wasn't until this morning that I felt the strong need to share that with the world!

I hope that each time I use the hose I think of that:)

Life is great!

May 29, 2009


I know I said that my next post would be on more random thoughts, but for the last couple of weeks I've had this present topic in mind.

The topic is how many of us so-called Christian folk feel there is a difference between secular and Christian (or sacred) music. Of course there is a difference between one song that is profanity-laden and one that is giving honor to a higher power of some sort. However, the one thing that really cooks my noodle is that many Christians feel like within a church setting only a certain genre, such as blatantly Christian or pseudo-Christian music should be played.

I know what some of you may be thinking. The context is different. Within a church you're supposed to be reverent, cordial and appropriate. I agree with all of that. But here's the thing...shouldn't everyone act that way everywhere? So if I'm at the mall, is it okay to be irreverent, rude and inappropriate? The logic just doesn't make much sense.

Let me press on...

If everything has its context then we probably shouldn't listen to Christian music outside the church so we won't offend non-Christians. Instead, we'd rather not play secular music within the church so we won't offend Christians, or worse, God. As if God is pleased with the hate-filled, women-demeaning garbage that gets plastered on most of the airwaves and gets stuck in our heads. The thing is in the church we're on one side (sacred only), but outside we strattle the fence (listen to both) and don't own up to it.

Christians (God help 'em) tend to think that way. Don't offend gramma, uncle Joe or anyone else who might find secular music to be "satanic." Little do they know, their music is a marker of what each and everyone of OUR lives used to be like. And instead of asking the question, "why? and what can we do to comfort/help?" Christians prefer answers that come across like "shut up," "I hate people like that," "don't play that garbage in the 'House of God'".

Since when did a small minority of the earth, the land in which churches sit, become God's "house" and not the whole earth in which he created?

Weird....we make God so small and transpose his love and mercy as being weak.

I, myself, have a lot to learn. But I want to start by asking, praying and giving instead of shutting myself into a bubble that lets hardly anything new in, including God and his revelation, at times.

I believe the vision at Forest Park Church is recognizing that fact and we're in the business of helping and seeking after the lost, those outside the church. We're not in the business of keeping people who have been in the church the whole time chipper. God didn't ask us to keep parishioners happy, but to "go and make disciples."

Staying within our Christian culture and shunning everything else as demonic is ludicrous because non-Christians express themselves through that culture. It's throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

Of course this goes for more than music, but for movies, TV shows, books, etc. Isn't it funny that people would get bent if we showed a scene from CSI in church, but those same people will watch it at home with no reservations.

Man, who are the ones that are confused here?

God's reign doesn't begin and end within the walls of a building that we call a church. Any movie, book or music that speaks the truth is God's truth. And there is so much (not all of course) good, honorable, truthful secular stuff out there. Drop the labels and hear the voice of God which is everywhere, especially with those who are lost. Their words are nothing more than hints from God of who needs grace, mercy, love and truth the most.

Remember that....and remind me of that if you please.

May 26, 2009

My Own Random Thoughts

On a not-so-lazy Tuesday afternoon, here is a list of the things, in no particular order, that has ran through my mind today:

- What is the biggest slip-and-slide that I can make and could we possibly do that out front of the new Albemarle Museum?

- Why can't I get Jamie Foxx's song "Blame it" outta my head?

- Why can't I get Boom Boom Pow outta my head either?

- Would students actually want to play whiffleball on a Wednesday night instead of playing baseball on the Wii? Probably not...

- I don't care what anyone else says, I liked RBC better than MAC-U....if college students come to Elizabeth City thinking they're in Virginia then that's their ignorance:)

- (This is not meant to be racist) Do Mexican parents give beanie babies as gifts or not?

- Don't ever get Lambo doors on your car, it's cool only for the first couple of weeks...

- I've concluded that I burp all the time because I tend to belch most often right after my stomach growls and when I'm that's pretty much all of the time...

- I think the new PC commercials that show these students going into a store to buy a laptop, in which they go over to a Mac and say something atrociously incorrect is deeply troublesome, imo. The must pay their actors really well...

- Am I overly attentive to details or just picky?

- How can anyone justify paying an additional $20-30 a month to surf the web on their cellies when they usually pay $50-60 a month for the phone itself? You know 90% of the kids who have 'em are paying $0 a month, anyway.

- Am I the only one who thinks that Eminem's voice is the second most annoying sound in the world next to Lil Wayne's voice?

- Why are cashews so much more expensive than peanuts?

- Will Britney's kids walk around the house singing her mindless songs like I do...I mean, like I don't....oops....(i did it again) DANG IT!!!

- Why do people simply not check their emails anymore?

- What's so scary about Twitter, everyone? It's easy...

- Everyone should listen to anything done by the musical group Juliana Theory at least once...RIP...

- I'm ready for First Wednesday at Forest Park....its only been 2 months but its felt like longer.

Next blog.....Random College/Student Ministry thoughts....

May 23, 2009

Up and Downtime

I've noticed that my life is full of ups and downs. Not emotionally speaking but as in time-intensity levels. Like now, I'm sitting in the Christian bookstore (supposed to be working) with absolutely nothing to do. Of course, within the next 10-15 minutes while I'm writing here I will be interrupted and be busy serving our customers, but it is what it is.

There is so much to be done around my house in preparation for my housewarming party this coming Sunday night at 7 (you coming?). I think I have figured out why I just plop down and do nothing when I get home. Per Pastor Scott's request I figured up how many hours I'm working throughout the week. Here is what I've discovered:

@ Forest Park Church (including office hours, teaching Sunday mornings, facilitating flag football, 29:11, being a member of the student worship team, contacting our students/volunteers about Wednesday night functions, actually running/setting up for the Wednesday nights, staff meetings, being the point person for construction & remodeling the new Edge Room, etc) I work an average of 43 hours/week

@ Good News Christian Storehouse, I work an average of 20 hours/week

So.....drumroll please.....that's an average of 63 hours a week.

Let it be known right now that I am not saying all of this for anyone's pity, respect or recognition. I just think it's interesting (I like stats) and I actually wouldn't trade my lifestyle for anything:)

So here's the breakdown:
There are 168 hours in a week
I work 63 hours
I sleep 56 hours
I eat 14 hours
I shower/pretty myself 4 hours
I am in the restroom, for other reasons (the length of time depending on the quality of the book that I'm reading) for 3 hours

That leaves me with about 4 hours to myself everyday. And trust me, working at a church is not an occupation you leave at the office. So I usually take it easy in the morning, not rushing at all. And many times I have to stay up late chillin' with different friends that I otherwise wouldn't see because of my schedule.

When I'm home, I'm all about the napping, watching recorded episodes of House & 24 and snacking. I ain't about washing clothes/dishes/my car, mowing the yard, making up my bed, taking out the trash, etc. I say that because all those things will hopefully be done before Sunday evening (all for you that will be there, of course)!

Ah...still, I love my life:) I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'd rather be busy than bored! Amen?

May 22, 2009


For the past six years my life has constantly been in a state of flux. I have grown accustomed to liking it that way, as well. Within those five years I have lived in:

Montreat, NC
Swannanoa, NC
Asheville, NC
Hertford, NC
Manteo, NC
Pasadena, CA (in 3 different apartments, I might add)
Edenton, NC
AND, as of two weeks ago to Elizabeth City!

That's 10 places in six years and I'm a conscientious objector! (in other words, im not in the military)

Wow! Once I recount where I've been and the memories I have accumulated in that time it is overwhelming and a joy to recall at the same time!

One thing I have learned in my life is that keeping still, not pressing forward, not challenging yourself and not being in motion is NOT a good thing!

Let me give you one example of what I mean by this. People, especially within Christian bubbles, circles, whatever tend to think that if you're in a good seeking relationship with God that many things will not change. In fact, most of the things you are taught in the infancy of your faith will always be true because they are above reproach.

My time in seminary shot that to the ground. I ended up rethinking, evaluating and challenging almost everything that I had learned by being a child and student in church. I've learned that as you get closer and closer to God, your perspective changes and not at all for the worse.

Think of it this way. The Bible looks like any book from ten yards away, from ten feet away you can tell it has the nice gold page linings (or silver sometimes, if you wanna be a rebel) so it must be a "holy" book but from 10 INCHES from your face you can read for yourself what God wants you to know. You can know a lot of things about it, but you really, really discover new things when you're wrestling with it yourself.

As I got closer to God, He wasn't just a God that loved me, or the man Jesus who died for me but a constant figure that is not only interested in my every breath but wants to be everywhere with me, talk with me, love me and provide for me at all times!

So, of course, as I have gotten closer to God (through His people & Word, which never work adequately without one another, I might add) I have noticed that He is bigger, loves more and is more while I become smaller and should become less and less concerned about myself. If anything I need to be concerned of how I can lose myself and simply act, think and love like Christ would.

In closing, closeness does not equal clarity. I have more questions but as far as I know I have a more and more powerful and loving God. A God that doesn't want to be separated but wants to be closer to me. That's why Jesus, the man came, so that God would not be up there, but be here with me and anyone else! Even if you don't seek, Christ still seeks you; God is the ultimate stalker....ok, that might've been a little sacreligious.

I ask you this...don't be afraid to ask the questions that no one wants to ask openly. If you truly can't wrap your mind around the Trinity, for example, SAY SO! Who has the totality of that theology figured out anyway? You're not a heretic in my book, you're just a person seeking to be closer and a tad bit more intimate with God. Knowledge is not the key, it's the willingness and humility to say, "hmmm...i ain't got that figured out."

In fact, people who honestly question for the sake of sanity (not for the sake of cynicism) are sorely needed within the church. The doubters bring about new, joyous revelations NOT the ones that think there's nothing to question and everyone to label!

I hope that encourages some and humbles others, because I am constantly humbled everyday by a cast of wise friends, collegues and family members!

Thanks for the eye-time:)