May 23, 2009

Up and Downtime

I've noticed that my life is full of ups and downs. Not emotionally speaking but as in time-intensity levels. Like now, I'm sitting in the Christian bookstore (supposed to be working) with absolutely nothing to do. Of course, within the next 10-15 minutes while I'm writing here I will be interrupted and be busy serving our customers, but it is what it is.

There is so much to be done around my house in preparation for my housewarming party this coming Sunday night at 7 (you coming?). I think I have figured out why I just plop down and do nothing when I get home. Per Pastor Scott's request I figured up how many hours I'm working throughout the week. Here is what I've discovered:

@ Forest Park Church (including office hours, teaching Sunday mornings, facilitating flag football, 29:11, being a member of the student worship team, contacting our students/volunteers about Wednesday night functions, actually running/setting up for the Wednesday nights, staff meetings, being the point person for construction & remodeling the new Edge Room, etc) I work an average of 43 hours/week

@ Good News Christian Storehouse, I work an average of 20 hours/week

So.....drumroll please.....that's an average of 63 hours a week.

Let it be known right now that I am not saying all of this for anyone's pity, respect or recognition. I just think it's interesting (I like stats) and I actually wouldn't trade my lifestyle for anything:)

So here's the breakdown:
There are 168 hours in a week
I work 63 hours
I sleep 56 hours
I eat 14 hours
I shower/pretty myself 4 hours
I am in the restroom, for other reasons (the length of time depending on the quality of the book that I'm reading) for 3 hours

That leaves me with about 4 hours to myself everyday. And trust me, working at a church is not an occupation you leave at the office. So I usually take it easy in the morning, not rushing at all. And many times I have to stay up late chillin' with different friends that I otherwise wouldn't see because of my schedule.

When I'm home, I'm all about the napping, watching recorded episodes of House & 24 and snacking. I ain't about washing clothes/dishes/my car, mowing the yard, making up my bed, taking out the trash, etc. I say that because all those things will hopefully be done before Sunday evening (all for you that will be there, of course)!

Ah...still, I love my life:) I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'd rather be busy than bored! Amen?


  1. Wow you really did have a lot of time on your hands at work hehehe!!! Man i would be too scared to work out all my stuff and i think todd would kill me if he saw how little i actually sleep!!

  2. With all that extra time, you should watch Zeitgeist: Addendum!
