May 29, 2009


I know I said that my next post would be on more random thoughts, but for the last couple of weeks I've had this present topic in mind.

The topic is how many of us so-called Christian folk feel there is a difference between secular and Christian (or sacred) music. Of course there is a difference between one song that is profanity-laden and one that is giving honor to a higher power of some sort. However, the one thing that really cooks my noodle is that many Christians feel like within a church setting only a certain genre, such as blatantly Christian or pseudo-Christian music should be played.

I know what some of you may be thinking. The context is different. Within a church you're supposed to be reverent, cordial and appropriate. I agree with all of that. But here's the thing...shouldn't everyone act that way everywhere? So if I'm at the mall, is it okay to be irreverent, rude and inappropriate? The logic just doesn't make much sense.

Let me press on...

If everything has its context then we probably shouldn't listen to Christian music outside the church so we won't offend non-Christians. Instead, we'd rather not play secular music within the church so we won't offend Christians, or worse, God. As if God is pleased with the hate-filled, women-demeaning garbage that gets plastered on most of the airwaves and gets stuck in our heads. The thing is in the church we're on one side (sacred only), but outside we strattle the fence (listen to both) and don't own up to it.

Christians (God help 'em) tend to think that way. Don't offend gramma, uncle Joe or anyone else who might find secular music to be "satanic." Little do they know, their music is a marker of what each and everyone of OUR lives used to be like. And instead of asking the question, "why? and what can we do to comfort/help?" Christians prefer answers that come across like "shut up," "I hate people like that," "don't play that garbage in the 'House of God'".

Since when did a small minority of the earth, the land in which churches sit, become God's "house" and not the whole earth in which he created?

Weird....we make God so small and transpose his love and mercy as being weak.

I, myself, have a lot to learn. But I want to start by asking, praying and giving instead of shutting myself into a bubble that lets hardly anything new in, including God and his revelation, at times.

I believe the vision at Forest Park Church is recognizing that fact and we're in the business of helping and seeking after the lost, those outside the church. We're not in the business of keeping people who have been in the church the whole time chipper. God didn't ask us to keep parishioners happy, but to "go and make disciples."

Staying within our Christian culture and shunning everything else as demonic is ludicrous because non-Christians express themselves through that culture. It's throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

Of course this goes for more than music, but for movies, TV shows, books, etc. Isn't it funny that people would get bent if we showed a scene from CSI in church, but those same people will watch it at home with no reservations.

Man, who are the ones that are confused here?

God's reign doesn't begin and end within the walls of a building that we call a church. Any movie, book or music that speaks the truth is God's truth. And there is so much (not all of course) good, honorable, truthful secular stuff out there. Drop the labels and hear the voice of God which is everywhere, especially with those who are lost. Their words are nothing more than hints from God of who needs grace, mercy, love and truth the most.

Remember that....and remind me of that if you please.

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