September 23, 2011

Parting Words (Part 3)

Even though this mini series of posts wasn't supposed to be emotional, I keep getting feedback that I'm making people cry.  Don't worry, as I type, my eyes aren't staying dry, either.

On this installment of Parting Words, I would like to say thanks and give encouragement to a few of my best friends, co-laborers and fellow staff members. Also I would like for you to know that I'm going to extend this to a Part 4 which will include similar feelings to parents and other friends of FPC.

So here we go:

To George:  I love your candor.  In many ways I am like you.  I so appreciate how you keep me in the loop about everything, even when it is about how I have angered or befuddled you.  But you are my friend, you've never left my side or questioned me without genuine concern.  In many ways I know Jeremy's experience with Christ is due to God working in your life and he seeing Jesus through you.  I pray to have another person like you around wherever I go.

To Jared: You're a solid guy, full of integrity, your word is your bond.  You have a heart for serving people that few your age have (and yes, I've been around plenty of college students your age).  I thank you for your time, passion and commitment to the band on Wednesday nights.  I always knew I could trust and rely on you.  I wish I was going to be around more to help you take on any venture you're in, because you've helped me so much and I'm in your debt:)

To William: The complete package is not Lex Luger but you, William (pardon me if you didn't catch that 90s professional wrestling pun).  You're a brilliant guy, charming, handsome but what really defines you is your demeanor, gentleness and direct reflection of Christ himself.  There is truly nothing that you cannot accomplish because you're completely open to being used by God and that's all it takes.  It was a privilege to serve with you and to be your friend.

To Ethan:  Sometimes I wish that me and you were in high school together when we were younger. You and I would've been best friends (not like I don't consider you right now, by the way).  What I like about you is that I've never seen you really down, maybe quiet, pensive and mentally beaten but you've never stopped loving people.  That is something I've had the privilege to observe in your life.  You are 100% love, dude. That is why students are so attracted to you.  It's not the look, the music or the happy-go-lucky attitude, but the love you have that the students are drawn to.

To Solomon: I will always remember what you said a couple Wednesday nights ago, "I would take a bullet for you. Well, I'll take one for anybody." And if people know you, they know that those words aren't Christian propaganda but true words from your soul.  You would do anything for me, like Jesus himself, I'm sure that you would never leave me or forsake me. In other words, it's really hard to leave you behind:/ I love you, Solomon.

To Lisa Moen: You're the wildest chick I've probably ever met and I say that as a compliment because you're loud joy comes from the Lord. You've faced more in your life than most of us have, but the coolest thing is that you have probably the most joy of all us, too.  It's something that confirms to me and I'm sure to the others around you that God resides in you.

To Lisa Cason: Just the other day, Jenny was saying how hard its going to be to leave you behind because, finally, for once in her life she has a friend that she feels she can be completely transparent to.  She knows you won't judge, you'll listen, be slow to speak and quick to compassion, which, guess what Lisa?  That's exactly how a true Christ-follower is defined in God's Word.

To Shelby:  I only have one regret regarding you, Shelby Lynn.  That is, I wish you had been here at FPC earlier.  Even though we don't talk that much I feel like we've been close friends for awhile.  I pray God gives you not only the desires of your heart but even greater things that you don't ask for because of their unimaginable goodness. You will do great things and have the potential to mentor tons of young ladies, if you choose.  You should because they already look up to you:)

To Jason:  Sure we've had our ups and downs.  That doesn't mean I stopped caring, loving, praying or supporting you.  God has given you your biggest desire (three times over now!) and I'm sure it's filled your emotional tank, even though sleep deprivation might be true, as well.  Thank you so much for all you've done, the passion you've poured into your teaching and for the lessons you've taught me.  When you come back to the ministry, I pray God uses you like He hasn't before to carry on and do greater things at FPC.

To Kate: You're so funny. I don't really believe you have multiple personalities BUT there are times when you give me advice like a motherly figure, kid around with me like a big sister and are spacy as if you were my little sister:)  No one can deny your honesty and thoughtfulness. In that way we are like twins. (So, I've counted that you now have four personalities.) It makes you a shoo-in leader for what you do.  You have an eye for not only the details but for the people as well. I'll miss you laughing at nothing, your scream-like sneezes, aversion to Mexican food and just talking to you.

To Bob: Thank you so much for listening and counseling me through all my crap.  A lot of it, I'm sure, is self-inflicted.  If only I could keep my mouth shut sometimes. Throughout all of that, though, you have been supportive, compassionate, full of understanding and a great friend.  No one quite rivals the light that clearly emanates from your life.  You are an example to me and someone I will never forget.  Thank you for all you've done and will do.  FPC is blessed to have you.

To Tim: What can I possibly say to thank you, Tim?  You have gone out of your way so many times for me. You are the epitome of what we would want for every person who attends FPC.  You have a hunger not only for God's Word but also you're eager to learn anything you can to benefit others in any way.  It makes it a little easier to leave since I know your heart better than any other volunteer's. I trust you completely. Shoot, I'll name my first son after you! (If you others don't catch that joke we're both Timothy. Jenny and I were already planning on our first son being Timothy Long, III.)  Seriously, though, if there's anything you need, any snag you hit, any favor that arises unexpectedly, you call me (you'll probably text, totally fine).

Again, I'm sorry I couldn't list everyone. Thank you all for your time and come back for my last post here soon!

September 22, 2011

Parting Words (Part 2)

I pray that many of you got some much needed encouragement from Part 1 of this mini blog series.  Today, I wanted to call out some young ladies within our ministry that I feel the need to say more than just goodbye to.  As you'll see there are more girls on this than there were guys on the previous list.  Sorry about that fellas, it's just that guys generally get more praise so I wanted to focus more on the girls for a change.

So here goes:

To Hunter: You are probably the most unique girl at FPC. You have grown and matured so much. One of your greatest characteristics is that you're honest about your doubts but that doesn't stop you from seeking the truth. In many ways, I hope any future daughter I have is like you in that way:)

To Rebecca Bruton: Becca, your comments after finding out that Jenny & I were leaving were probably the most heartfelt and touching words I've ever read. You have so much going for you. I pray that you lead your friends to Christ and that Danielle and Makayla learn from your oversized heart.

To Dara: How I wish that you had been here the whole time and not just the past 4 months.  I enjoy just talking to you, listening to your accent and wondering how God is going to use you.  You are much more than a pretty face, you have a personality that you better use to bring people closer to God because I believe that's why he gave that to you:)

To Jena: I hope this doesn't weird you out but if I were a female your age, I think we could be best friends.  You are so fun and the way you think and process life is so unique. I will miss you but I will only be one Facebook like away from hearing your next confession:)

To Audrey: If I really would've known that getting the job as hostess at Dragon Buffet would've kept you away from FPC so much, I may sabotaged your application or something.  I miss you and will miss you. Even though you don't let many emotions show, I know without a doubt that you are one of the most sincere, compassionate teenagers I've ever met.

To Ashlyn: Jenny & I will both miss you a lot, that's a given.  We both really would've loved to stick around to see you not only graduate but to grow and become the beautiful woman of God that you are destined to become.  You will always hold a special place in our hearts forever.

To Whitney: You may be soft spoken but your actions always spoke louder than most other people's words. I love your commitment and your graciousness. I know that you are truly thankful for the things you receive and our world would be a much, much better place if people were like you in that way.

To Tiffany: You are the exact opposite of what I described in Whitney in the way of soft spokenness:)  Don't get it twisted, though, because I love how you don't take crap you shouldn't take and also how, more than any other student, you've made me feel loved by the cards, letters, drawings and desserts you have made for me these past few years.  You WILL be a great mother if you continue to only focus on what truly matters. God, as you know, will come through and provide for you.

To Kelsey: I know that out of all the girls we've met over the past two years, Jenny will probably miss you the most. Ever since the first time you came to my house for a JumpOFF, I was on you to come and visit FPC. I you did.  You have inspired Jenny just as much as she has inspired you.  She sees so much of herself in you.  I only pray that you can find rest in all the drama that's circled around you.  You are loved and more valuable than all that crap and I know Austin echoes all this, as he should.

To Codie: Like Audrey, I wish sometimes I could sabotage your body to have a 50-year old woman's metabolism. That way you wouldn't play every sport imaginable and have practice or games on seemingly every night we have an event.  I truly believe, that if you want to, you can have the greatest influence of all the Kleins in reaching people for Christ.  You have so many great traits of all your family members. You have the beauty, the straightforwardness, the tenderness and also the smarts to do something big. Sports won't be a part of you forever, but God will. Do great things, Codie.

To Maria: Jenny & I both wish that we could've been as brilliant and as devoted to Christ at your age.  That comes from having special parents, of course, but also because of your heart.  You have a humongous head start on this road of getting to know Jesus and I know that you will use that wisely.  You are already serving, growing on your own and supporting friends like a pastor should. Hint hint.

To Jordan Cannon: You are so strong, even though you may not believe that sometimes. Your presence attracts smiles and lifts the mood of every room you walk in.  Nothing is given to you, you work hard and I believe you pray hard. I hope God moves in your family because I know that you are the main inspiration your parents have in continuing to follow Christ.

To Christyn: You are much smarter than you give yourself credit for. What I really like about you is that you're stable. You don't have these huge swings of emotions like many others girls have (no offense, ladies).  However, you don't hold back your feelings when you need to let 'em go, either.  The closer you get to God, the more I know without a shadow of a doubt, that you will bring God's love and light into your family. I'll miss you, Christyn.

To Katie: I could write you a book Katie on all the ways I would want to encourage you.  I know that you are an extremely sentimental person.  Life has not always been good to you.  That's because people screw everything up and even those closest to us can do that.  That's been done to you so many times that hope is not like the sun in the sky it's a speck of light you have to constantly look for.  Jenny & I pray for you so often.  We hated the fact that we had to tell you that we we're leaving. But you have so many people around you that can lift you up, if you let them.  Sometimes finding hope is not looking down at all the crap but looking forward to how God is going to use it all. We'll always think of you and be as close to you as you want us to be:)

To Brianna: You know, very well, too how life can be hard even though everything may look perfect on the outside.  The truth is, Brianna, that you still have every opportunity to make your life different.  Easier said than done, I know.  But sometimes you have to slow down and realize that the crap you're in isn't where you have to be. I believe you hold the key to your family's inner strength.  I know that you know that you're outer beauty isn't anything unless you have peace.  I wish we could sit down a dozen more times and talk. For some unknown reason I feel your emotions like they are my own. I care for you deeply and will miss you.

To Logan & BryHanna: I may have said that both Hunter and Jena are both unique in their own ways, but you two don't really fit any molds, either.  You both have been so loving to me.  I know that your patience is always being tested in many ways.  I know people look at you as being different, WHO CARES WHAT THEY THINK! I love you both and will be here when you need to talk about deciphering the male species, family issues, whatever. 

I wish I had more time to write to even more of you.  Just know that even though you may not be listed, doesn't mean I haven't thought about you and what you mean to both me and Jenny.

Next up for Part 3, I'm going to give Parting Words to my friends, co-workers and student ministry volunteers at FPC.  Thanks for reading:)

September 20, 2011

Parting Words (Part 1)

It has been 9 months since my last blog post, sorry for the long layoff.

If you're a part of Forest Park Church or are a avid subscriber of church gossip, you probably already know that Jenny & I are leaving FPC behind in less than 2 weeks.  It has been one of the most difficult 2 months in my life, but it will also prove to be rewarding, I pray, in the long run.

Jenny & I do not know exactly where we'll end up.  Some call that idiocy others a leap of faith; depending on the day is how I interpret that myself.  All I know is that my prayer life is pretty strong at the moment:)

For the next 3 posts, I wanted to take an opportunity to say some parting words of thanks and encouragement.  The next two posts will give it up for the students (part 1 for the guys, part 2 for the girls). In part 3 I'll give out some fictitious awards to some of the men & women I've served with at FPC.

First of all,

Students of FPC: I love you all, if I had the time I would write a 30-page post with a paragraph for each of you that I have gotten to know over the last 2.5 years.  You all are the reason I love what God has called me to do.  You are the main reason why it's oh so very hard to say goodbye.  On days when I was feeling useless, depressed, whatever, a Wednesday night with you made everything seem right in the world.  Apart from you will be a task in redefining my life, I'm sure for some of you that will be true, as well.  I challenge you not to remember just the fun times, but the passion in which I've tried to show you that Jesus is the power behind the love you've felt and the reason for all we've done and will continue to do at FPC.

To Kolt:  Man, I love you. I remember your second day in EDGE on a Sunday morning when you were furious that I wouldn't allow you to keep your PSP during the service.  So mad that you punched me! Seriously?!  You have taken and dished out a lot of crap on Facebook.  Some of it was coming to you, others were flat out wrong. Either way, I've always had a heart for you.  Even though I tell myself sometimes that you never listen, I've seen how you've matured (you still have a ways to go, don't kid yourself).  I'll miss your voice calling my name to tell me some useless fact that I'll remember because I'll have to remind you that you've already told me the next time you try to.  You will be missed.

To Tyler: You, Tim, David and I should've been biological brothers because that's how close we are.  You remind me of myself in all the good ways.  You ask questions, aren't afraid to get advice and are willing to give of yourself until it hurts.  No one in this church has grown more than you in the last year.  You have so much leadership potential and will succeed in whatever you do because I know you will follow what God lays out for you (or He will "lay" you out, haha).

To Evan: We've had a bumpy ride in our relationship over the past year.  You, David and I were inseparable at first, but since I had the dumb idea of trying to lead something I couldn't (i.e. the student band), our relationship was strained.  Lately, even before news of me leaving surfaced, I've felt you attempting to show me love more and more.  Your conscience, or should I say, your ability to let God permeate your life is unparalleled. Even though you're skill is in music, I believe your destiny lies in ministry. As soon as you figure out and devote yourself to what God has for you, you will soar even more.

To Joe:  Sometimes I wish you would show emotion.  I know you have a big heart and you could be a HUGE influence if you were to let that out in the open from time to time.  Like I've told Trever before, you are the type when you speak, people listen because you don't waste words.  You are calm, collected and in control.  You are many of the things that I could never be and you do it effortlessly.  I anticipate hearing great things from and about you after I'm long gone.

To Jonathan:  You're all heart and not afraid to show it.  It's kinda ironic that you and Joe are friends, because in many ways you are opposites.  In the things that you know you're talented you have confidence, I challenge you, my brother, to be confident in even more.  No one gives you credit for just how bright you are.  You are like my brother, not just in an emotional way, but literally, just like David and that's a huge compliment because I'd do anything for David and so I would for you.

To Trever:  In many ways, you are the total package of what any girl would want in a guy.  You are strong (physically & spiritually), aren't afraid to show your emotion, you're willing to lead, to follow and do anything for anyone.  In fact, you are what I wanted to be at your age.  With that comes a challenge, if you've ever looked up to me, know that you can easily do what I do.  You can inspire and lead naturally and if you ever need my help, I will always be here.

To Cory: Out of everyone I've listed here, you have the most potential.  You are extremely likeable, charming, brilliant and capable of extraordinary things.  Don't divert your focus from your destiny for anything that could hold you back.  The ones with the most potential, in my experience, also have the highest probability of squandering their talents.  Don't let that happen to you.  You are loved, my friend.

To Jordan: I never thought I would grow so attached to you in such a short amount of time (see what Small Groups do?).  Being the middle child, I know you may think you get overlooked but I see you and appreciate you.  You have your whole life ahead of you and I want you to know that you probably are my favorite Gregory (no offense Tiffany or Whitney).

To Morgan: Like I said to Cory, the ones with the most potential have the highest probability of squandering their talents.  This definitely applies to you, too, Morgan.  I would consider you to be doubly gifted athletically and academically.  Actually, I don't know if any other student I've met is as smart as you are.  That definitely doesn't diminish your other attributes.  I know you have love for me.  I consider you like a little brother.  You're one of the hardest to leave behind because I wanted to be beside all the way, I'll just have to do it in a different way than I expected.

To Dustin: You are another quiet, yet welcoming, constant within our church.  You're always there, always willing to serve and, from what I hear, are a great friend.  I know you are to me.  You lead the way in showing other students that serving with adults on Sunday mornings is a honorable task, keep that up.  I leave you Austin & Kelsey to take care of because I know you're dependable and trustworthy.

To Paris:  I have great hope for you, my friend.  I pray that you no matter what negatively gets around you that you will know what is most important.  You've impressed me with your demeanor, your Bible knowledge and your respect towards me.  Don't let that stop in the future.

To Waverly & Tyler Perez:  I think and pray for you two young men often.  Both of you have so much more to offer than what you're putting out at the moment.  You have humbled me at times and left me speechless at others.  Both of you know very well what God expects from you, I just pray that you drop all the drama, mend the important relationships, check your pride and get on with what God wants you to do, not just what you want.  I love you two and I know life has dealt each of you a difficult hand, but you can overcome but not by just your own strength.

That's it for Part 1, come back and check out what girls will receive a Parting Word.

Love you all,


January 25, 2011

Resurrecting An Old Cliche

I always think of pop 70s & 80s 'change-the-world' music when I think of the clique "children are the future."  No one can deny the validity of that statement, however, it doesn't really emphasize anything in particular at all.  What are children the future of? One could reply, "well, everything."  And again, the response is boring, but true.

Since I work with teenagers all the time, I deal with the struggle of fighting over resources for those who don't have or give much money.  The first thing that I or anyone would probably say in defense of teenagers, "Hey! They are important, too. They're the future!"  I've thought a lot about how I could breathe new life into this cliche and here it is.

Students are unique from adults in many ways (oh my gosh, another 'duh' statement). But in the context of the church and its mission to reach the world or in our case, Elizabeth City, there is one HUGE advantage that students have over adults.  The advantage is so lopsided that if average students were to truly start engaging their culture and peers they could produce a much larger, more impacting and widespread movement than any average adult could ever dream.

The method behind this theory comes from a very practical way of thinking.  Let's suppose I didn't work at a church, or have 90 students to influence, nor 500 contacts on my cell, 1,000+ friends on Facebook, 1,500 email addresses, any of that.  Say I was an average Joe who works in a medium size business in a cubicle office with at the most 50-75 co-workers.  Even if I were to utilize the power of social networking (Facebook), I would be relegated to words on a screen for many people. My attempts to share my faith would compete with FB game app posts (such as Cafe World, Poker, Snake, the new Oregon Trail, whatever).

But let's take the average middle or high school (or even college) student.  Give them the obvious Facebook page, texting prowess and the ocassional email.  "Yeah, so?" you might be saying.

Here's the advantage.  The average middle and high school student has somewhere between 400-600 fellow students around them, ALL THE TIME!  College students, WAY MORE! Those hundreds of students are there day-after-day, year-after-year. The average student will get to know other students by way of sharing classes, sports, clubs, marching band, the bus, and more.  As stated before students have little to no money, but that's an advantage, too!

Where an adult may have to back down from sharing his faith for fear of losing his job, a student will hardly ever face the fear of suspension for the same reason!

Statistically speaking, students are more valuable than the average adult because they have a bigger pool of peers to pull from while, at the same time, impacting the current city, school and community (oh and don't forget that they will obviously impact the future of the church, too).  It's my (and the adults that serve with me) job to inspire students to realize that.

Think of it, your dad is limited to how many people he can reach. You have much more potential just because you're young and are blessed with a bigger mission field.  Don't let that slip away! Before you know, you'll be on the flip-side with adults who are trying to reach the teens with limited success.

Get fired up! If you know the hope that God has given you, share it!  You've got nothing to lose and the world to offer to God through lives being added to the Kingdom!  There has never been more reason to celebrate being broke and in school now is there?

January 1, 2011

The 10 Best Things About 2010

2010 was a rollercoaster ride of a year for me.  However, I like rollercoasters and when I disembark from a wild ride I usually reminisce on it with fond memories (while I stroke my hair back into place).  This is a countdown of the 10 best things of 2010. Come take a stroll with me down memory lane.

#10: The book Simple Church
I don't consider myself a bookworm, even though I probably do read more than the average person.  So when Pastor Scott gives me a book to read on the topic of leadership I usually treat it more like an assignment than I do a pleasureable opporutunity.  However, this book was the most helpful text (outside the Bible) that I read all year, hands down!

It's because of this book that we now have simplicity within our system that is the Student Ministry. We have come up with a three-step process in which we seek to get students to Connect (with God and other students), Grow (in their faith, Scripture and confidence) and Reach (to their families, friends and school).  Because of that we now have a system in which to offer fun events like the JumpOFF, baptisms, student leadership courses, etc.  I really don't know where we would be as a ministry without that book.  Kudos to you, Pastor Scott, for your recommendation...or assignment.

#9: FPC Student Band
I am almost sure that this will be even higher on the list for 2011.  At the end of the summer, I reluctantly took over leadership of our worship band (gulp).  I'm not a music director, I can't chart chords and I really don't play an instrument (double gulp).  I can sing, that's about it.  However, I was fortunate to get the help of so many individuals this year to keep this music ministry afloat.  Such people as Taylor Allison, Evan Neal, Jordan Winborne, Elijah Burch, Doug Wardwell, Nick Parker, Ryan Smith, Lacy Lamb, Bob Chambers, Amber Jones, Ashleigh Huff among others.  It's crazy to think that at least 11 musicians have been on stage on a Wednesday night for us this year!

We'd be nothing but a band full of screeching feedback, dull colors and unknown lyrics were it not for our tech team of Kaylin Sass, Hunter Allison, Tim and Tyler Chappell!  They've helped us produce music from artists ranging from Hillsong to Kutless to NeverShoutNever. (We're pulling some Red Hot Chili Peppers out of the hat for January, just so you know!)

This year is going be even better, I'm sure.  We're welcoming a new guitarist and drummer for 2011 that will become fixtures in the lineup (Adam Edwards and Jared Wice)!  We're developing a team, not only a band, that has the passion, drive and talent to take this music ministry to all new heights and I can't wait for it!

#8: The 30-Hour Famine
I kind of feel as if this should be higher on the list, especially since it's coming up again next month.  Our first year of doing the Famine was an overwhelming success.  Just check out these numbers:

  • 50:  People who spent the night out front of Southgate Mall in boxes in FEBRUARY
  • 28-32: The average temperature when we were trying to sleep
  • 190: Number of meals we prepared and served to the homeless & needy in the ECity area
  • 1,200: Pounds of food we raised during our door-to-door drive for the Albemarle Food Bank
  • $8,200: Money we raised for children affected by the earthquake in Haiti
  • 36: Haitian children we sponsored with clothes, food, medical care, education, etc for        AN ENTIRE YEAR
Just to give you an idea of our goals for this year's famine, which is February 25-27 (are you doing it with us by the way?), here are some numerical goals we have in mind:

100: Students who will participate in the Famine out front of WalMart this year (not counting adults)
$25,000: Our fundraising goal
70: Sudanese children we hope to sponsor for a year who are being affected by the genocide and refugee camp crisis in Darfur

#7: Student leaders
This September marked our first attempt at putting students through a leadership development course called eXternal. The course consisted of nine weeks of book review, discussion, challenging out-of-class assignments and development of spiritual disciplines (Bible reading, prayer, outreach).  Even though our expectations were clear, the course was tricky due to unforeseen issues that arose (if you ever do something like this, make a clear absence policy, just sayin').

We had tried to pick student leaders back in the spring without adequate training and expected them to, well, just serve.  This time, in September, we used a book called Help, I'm a Student Leader which, pretty much defined a student leader in many more ways than we could've ourselves.

I am supremely confident and proud of the students we selected and trained in this inaugural class. We've seen unbridled passion (Evan), fearlessness (Trever), humility (Whitney), eagerness to serve (Tyler), brilliance (Cory), self-sacrifice (Jonathan) and uncommon maturity (Audrey).  Each of these students has a much brighter future than I had at 16 or 17 years old and I count it a huge blessing to lead and mentor them!

#6: Certain upstanding young men
I know what you're thinking, "TJ, numbers 10 through 7 have been all about your position at church!" This is true. And the next few gentlemen that I'm about to mention make it possible to make my job my life.  I really couldn't do life without Tim Chappell, Ethan Watts, William Norrell and Solomon Berry!

They are so much more than volunteer leaders; more than student ministry workers and mentors. They are my best friends and I hope they know that (if not, they do now)!  Tim is like my accountability partner.  If you're curious who to torture to get all the dirt about me, it's Tim.  (Still not sure he would tell you anything.)  Ethan and William are the epitome of what young college men should be.  I don't know of any churches out there who are as blessed as us to have young, God-fearing, selfless men like them.  And then there's Solomon. Whenever you need anything, no matter what or who you are, go to Solomon.  He is the most humble, giving and compassionate man I've probably ever met.  I don't know if some people truly appreciate him enough. (He probably gets tired of me saying thanks, too).

If you ever want a thriving student ministry you better have a collection of certain upstanding young men like Tim, Ethan, William and Solomon.

#5: A Wiley Veteran by the name of George
Every student ministry needs a George, too.  In many ways, the George's of the world are even more crucial.  There are many times when young men and women focus on reinventing the wheel so much that we forget about the basics, the obvious, the traditions, the disciplines, the way it used to be.  George Archuleta is my reminder about all those things.  When I'm off-course, George is there to make me think twice and get me back on track.  However, when I excel he definitely affirms me and puts wind in my sails. 

I really want George to know how much he is valued.  His life is rich with God's grace and he knows that.  He is a walking example how just being young, cool, tattooed and pierced can be overrated.  I'd rather have a comrade that has the willingness to do whatever is necessary to tell this generation's teens the truth about God's love for them and George has that.  He speaks with an gracious, humble urgency that few can pull off.  Few people are more respected than the George's of this world and that's the way it should be!

#4: The staff of FPC
Next week I will have been at Forest Park Church for two years!  In many ways it feels like I've only been here a few months and that's good because I don't see myself serving anywhere else.

If you know me, then you know I am a perfectionist.  I prefer to be organized, punctual and prepared (for the most part).  I can feel the adult leaders who serve with me nodding their heads in agreement.  However, they don't deal with me on a daily basis like the staff at FPC does.  Let me just give you a short list of the things the staff has done for me in the past year.

  • Bob has charted numerous songs for our band, helped me with counseling and mentoring, received plenty of calls and texts from me during the weekend and after 9pm, let me borrow his truck, been patient with me after messing up files on ProPresenter and has auditioned musicians for me.
  • Kate has been like my second mom in many ways. She has settled me down when I was frustrated and ready to vent unnecessarily at certain people. She has cleaned up after me and students probably many more than I recognize. She has worked more than what she is paid for, always tells me like it is, no sugar-coating, while 99% of the time smiling.
  • Michele has been the most patient with me over all the other staff members.  She makes sure we all have what we need, when we need it, whether that be time, ink or muffins:)  The office has a serenity with Michele at the helm. She's the glue, the heart-and-soul of our team and I don't nearly thank her enough for all that she does and I can't say it all here because even the most mature adults can only read but so much in a blog post.
  • Amber has stepped up every time I've needed her.  If I needed a female vocalists for a song on Wednesday night, she is there.  If I need a vocal coach for someone, she is more than willing. If I need to bounce an idea off someone who will care, that's Amber.
  • Lisa has gone through more than the rest of us combined this year.  All the while, however, Lisa has responded to my calls, emails and texts expeditiously.  She has given me sound advice and has given me the green light to spend 99.9% of the time (that alone would get her on most pastor's lists!).  She is the ultimate trooper. When she has every right to be pessimistic, she isn't. When she could give up her responsibilities and no one would've questioned in the least, she hasn't.  I admire her strength, character and most of all, her faith.
  • Diane You probably don't know her if you're my age or younger at FPC and that's a shame (but it's also by design).  Diane is not about the recognition, she is about serving.  If I need something that I think is too big for me to pull off in a short amount of time, Diane usually has the resources and willingness to make it happen. Her husband, Craig, is the same way.
  • Scott is the only one on this list that can be thanked for giving me a staff review that is longer than most classified sections in newspapers.  I say that with gratitude because I've never had a superior, leader or mentor that has inspired me, pushed me, challenged me and even perplex me as Scott does.  He is another that always takes my calls and hides his expressions very well even when I present to him the wackiest ideas imaginable.  And get this, he's in support of most of them!

#3: A Leader by the name of Jason
Jason and I have had a long year.  Individually for different reasons but together we've had to work through times in which I'm sure we each thought it would be easier if the other one would quit.  We we're to the point in which he taught, I planned and organized and then we prayed it would all just work out without us really communicating with each other beforehand in preparation.

In the beginning of the year, our meetings were like polarizing wars.  Our conversations were like having two teenage boys comparing ex-girlfriends to see who was cooler.  However, when we were both brought face-to-face with this (by who else than Scott), we realized that there was much more at stake than our individual plans or pride.  We were charged with leading a generation of students to Christ and we were failing at it quite miserably.

With renewed vision we came together to plan like we've never had before with RADICAL being the first series out the box. Within that series alone it was so wild that we had: Solomon arrested, Dave Marcei come in weilding a machete, we displayed (on screen, not in real life) a burning cross accompanied with a staged racist-filled riot, not to mention Jason delivering a portion of a message from inside a coffin!

Working together, planning together and reaping the benefits together have brought us closer.  He's like my big brother, even though I'm technically the one in charge.  I believe we continue to inspire each other to grow individually yet we seek to take this ministry to new heights, well, together.

#2: Growth of THE BRINK
Back in February I was trying every gamble or gimmick in the book to have students show interest in what we were doing on Wednesday nights at THE BRINK. I went so far as to do an adaptation of the popular MTV series Silent Library.  It started out just for giggles but as the weeks went on, I felt we had to one-up ourselves with the shock factor.  We one-upped ourselves one too many times when parents started withholding their kids from coming on Wednesday for fear of something inappropriate happening (which should never happen at church, you would think).

When we finally starting simplifying our process, complete with open, inviting environments such as the JumpOFF and Sunday Sports and refining EDGE and THE BRINK we saw that planning and pure passion was what we were lacking (who knew?!).

Within the RADICAL series we broke two attendance records.  Our last month of the year, which featured our Christmas Party/Karaoke Competition & a special Christmas service was even bigger.  We ended up averaging over 61 students each Wednesday night!  A far cry from the measely 25 we averaged during Silent Library.  Our students are not only coming more, but they're giving more (offering) and bringing more friends!  2011 should be more of the same and I can't wait for that, either!

#1: Jenny
What can I say? If you know me, is this really a surprise? Of course not!  I've known Jenny now for more than a year, but mostly from being on the opposite side of a bank drive-thru window.  I imagined almost each time how I would speak to her if I had more than a few minutes with her.  One spring day I decided to ask for her number and text her (yes, text her, I was afraid).  I told her how I was always thinking of her and how beautiful she was.

A few days later we had our first date.  And by our third date I knew she was "the one" (which completely freaked me out, btw).  This wasn't easy because in my position as a pastor, I am supposed to exhibit exceptional patience and judgment.  Hollywood has one thing right about relationships, though; love makes you do crazy, irrational things.

I began writing her love letters on takeout boxes.  I texted her lines of original poetry.  I began to spend hours sharing my faith with her.  Looking back on it now, it was all such a beautiful process.  I could definitely tell you infinitely more about our 8-month journey (today is actually 8 months for us).  I have found the woman I will always love, my future wife!  On December 15th, I proposed to Jenny in front of 80 of our closest friends during THE BRINK.  It will always be an amazing memory, but I'm not thankful for that or even that she said yes (a huge plus, I might add).  Out of all the wonderful things that I've experienced this year, I am most thankful just for her, Jenny Erin Britt!

Well that's it! That's the nutshell of 2010 from my eyes:)

Thanks for reading and I pray 2011 holds a ride for you that you'll never forget, as well!